
Effectively handling Claims is the litmus test for a sound broker.
The INTERLINK team with hands on experience from the Insurance industry and global reach is well positioned to be trustworthy partner.
Interlink’s Global Claims Practice is on-hand to guide you through the pitfalls and challenges of recovering from events and minimise the impact or risk to your business.

INTERLINK has wealth of Insurance experience as its bench strength to offer consultancy for all lines of insurance claims.

We offer claims consultancy, subject to the IRDA regulations where we are not the brokers for any client.

We have experienced professionals who have handled large and complex claims. Thorough understanding of the insurance product, documentation for processing the claims, and understanding of the latest regulations are key for quick and smooth settlement of claims. In case of major losses, we also assist the client to obtain “On Account settlement” for quick restoration of the business.”

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)