About us

INTERLINK - A Symbol you can Trust

INTERLINK - A Symbol you can Trust
INTERLINK as a strategic enterprise has always aspired to occupy the pole position in the Insurance industry. Set up in 1984, INTERLINK initially embarked on an exciting journey in the Reinsurance space and expeditiously forged robust and lasting relationships with secure Insurers and Reinsurers around the globe. And when the gates of privatisation opened up in the Indian Insurance Industry in 2001 to transition from a protected regime to an open competitive environment, INTERLINK expanded into the Corporate Risk (Direct Insurance) Broking environment by obtaining a Composite broking licence in 2004. The vision was to further construct our decade-and-a-half old success story and cement our conspicuous position in the industry.
Leveraging its early mover advantage, INTERLINK had already secured a global reach in Reinsurance broking by actively working in 46 countries across the globe. Today, we structure and place Treaty programs for various Insurers and Reinsurers across the globe. This also helps us to be an active player for large facultative Insurance programmes.

Subsequently, we bolstered our Organizational matrix with new practices viz. Health & Benefits, Property & Casualty and Liability Insurance. The consequent onboarding of dedicated, experienced and competent professionals has leapfrogged INTERLINK as a “Provider of bespoke solutions” for the myriad and dynamic risk needs of Corporate India.

Be it standard intermediation services or complex risk mitigation & transfer programs, we have always been viewed as the numero uno in our league. And this respect has come due to specific reasons i.e. (a). ability to anticipate and prepare for the future, (b). a diversified and stable competency pool well-versed to effectively deal with changing risk-profiles of our clients, (c). excellent sustainable relationships with insurers, (d). strategic investments in state-of-the-art technology relative to Client’s requirements, and (e). robust & compliant back-end processes. This approach has served us well in the past and there should be no disbelief that this would also be the cornerstone of our success in future too.
Most importantly, as we continually adapt ourselves to the “new normal”, INTERLINK is well-positioned to work towards the fulfilment of our Clients’ risk objectives, needs and goals. We are helping our Clients add real value to top-line growth and bottom-line performance while playing an enriching role in their organizational productivity, employee engagement and risk management philosophy.

Did you Know ?

  • Did you know that INTERLINK made forays into the Asian markets (China, Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan) way back in 1985 ?


    One of the oldest Indian insurance brokers with a far-reaching global footprint.



    Foray into Asian markets - China, Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan


    Made an entry into European market


    Recieved the Composite Broking License


    Quoting brokerfor reinsurers


    Lead brokers for GIC Re and other Reinsurers


    Made an entry into the South American market


    Company Incorporation


    onward Indian Insurance Industry annual update (III)


    Made an entry into the Middle Eastern market


    Made an entry into the African market


    Brokers in Energy and Power sector in Egypt


    Made an entry into the United States market


    Establishment of H&B and P&C practice

    Global Business Relations

    Want to Connect with us?

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)